Virtual Causeway

Телефон: 519-886-1600
Інший телефон: 1-866-211-6549
Факс: 519-886-5855
Адреса: 180 King Street South, Suite 300, Waterloo, ON, Canada
Поштовий індекс: N2J 1P8
Сіті: Waterloo
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Manufacturing Industries, Nec
Web Directory No.LK-318339-3640
Virtual Causeway is a leading outsource provider of integrated sales and marketing services. We focus on Business-to-Business (B2B) activities specifically related to sales, marketing and market research for the high-tech industry. We understand our customers' businesses and work with each client to address specific business pain points - with reliable, competent and quality tele-services.

By leveraging our industry-specific management expertise, our strong labor pool of highly educated employees, and leading-edge contact center technology, Virtual Causeway is uniquely positioned to provide strong returns on investment to industry leading firms in North America.

Virtual Causeway's customers and corporate partners, such as RIM, Sybase, and IDC, include not only industry leaders, but some of the most innovative multinational technology corporations in North America.

Virtual Causeway has been recognized for 3 years as one of Canada's fastest growing and hottest emerging companies. We pride ourselves on being thought leaders and developing strategic partnerships with our clients.
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