Rowing Canada Aviron
Rowing Canada Aviron (RCA) - Fostering excellence and teamwork for life through rowing
RCA is a nonprofit organization recognized by the Government of Canada and the Canadian Olympic Committee as the national governing body for the sport of rowing in Canada. RCA represents 15,000 registered members at all levels, novices, juniors, university students, seniors and masters, whether they row for recreation, health and fitness or competition.
RCA is a member of the Canadian Olympic Committee and the Fédération internationale des sociétés d'aviron (FISA), the international federation for rowing.
RCA was originally founded as "The Canadian Association of Amateur Oarsmen" in 1880 by the rowing clubs then in existence - to coordinate and regulate the sport of amateur rowing. In 1974 the name was changed to "The Canadian Amateur Rowing Association - Association Canadienne d'Aviron Amateur", which is still the legally constituted name, although Rowing Canada Aviron is now used as the operating name.
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