Parkinson Society Canada

Телефон: 416-227-9700
Інший телефон: 1-800-565-3000
Факс: 416-227-9600
Адреса: 4211 Yonge St, Suite 316, North York, ON
Поштовий індекс: M2P 2A9
Провінція: Онтаріо
Карта: Перегляд великої карти
Apparel, Finished Prdcts from Fabrics & Similar Materials
Business Services
Web Directory No.LK-40240-5581
Parkinson Society Canada is the national voice of Canadians living with Parkinson’s, a neurodegenerative disease. Through regional partners and 240 chapters and support groups, we provide education, support, and advocacy on behalf of over 100,000 Canadians living with Parkinson’s every day. Funding innovative research helps expand knowledge on prevention, diagnosis and treatment of Parkinson’s and will ultimately lead to a cure.

In partnership with regional societies and 240 chapters and support groups Parkinson Society Canada provides educational workshops, conferences, seminars, a toll-free National Information and Referral line, printed resources, and supportive services in both Canada’s official languages. Visit our French language website here.

Our Advocacy initiatives are helping to change policy at all levels of government and are helping identify new voices to speak out on behalf of people living with Parkinson’s. Parkinson Society Canada played an active role within the Canadian Parkinson’s community to secure $15 million to fund a national epidemiological study of neurological conditions in Canada, including Parkinson’s disease, through the Neurological Health Charities Canada (NHCC).
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